Untitled Event
The BLET is urgently working to secure passage of the House Railroad Safety Enhancement Act of 2024 (H.R. 8996) before Congress adjourns. In a Take Action alert issued today, BLET members and their families are asked to use the Take Action tool on the BLET National Division website to ask their member of Congress to sign on to Discharge Petition #20 (H. Res. 1560), which would bypass the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee and let H.R. 8996 be called for a floor vote. Discharge Petition #20 was advanced by Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA), but needs more bi-partisan support to secure consideration of H.R. 8996. It’s important to advance this bill before Congress adjourns next month.
Discharge petitions are used when a Congressional committee sits on a piece of legislation. It’s a way to advance a bill, especially ones likely to garner bipartisan support, but it requires 218 members of Congress to sign-on for the bill to move forward.
Introduced on July 15 by Rep. Moulton and Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), H.R. 8996 incorporates the Senate’s Railway Safety Act of 2023 (S. 576), but includes four additional safety provisions: Mandatory Participation in C3RS by the Class I railroads. State Departments of Transportation requirement to notify first responders about “Ask Rail” Hazardous Materials response application.$1.5 billion per year in additional money for grade crossing separations. Grant programs to develop and install the next generation of telematics systems.Click here to Take Action.
CEO pay in the rail industry.
Corporate greed: AFL-CIO Executive Paywatch exposes exorbitant CEO pay in railroad industry
The AFL-CIO recently released its annual Executive Paywatch report which tracks how worker wages have fallen while CEO pay continues to soar.
Here are some highlights from the railroad industry:
CEO to worker pay ratios
CSX - 116:1 (it previously was a 186:1 ratio)
Union Pacific - 113:1 (it previously was a 162:1 ratio)
Norfolk Southern — 109:1 (it previously was a 140:1 ratio)
Highest-paid CEOs
СРКС - CEO Keith Creel made $20,079,552 in 2023
Union Pacific - then-CEO Lance Fritz made $15,552,576 in 2023
CSX - CEO Joe Hinrichs made $14,074,235 in 2023
Norfolk Southern - CEO Alan Shaw made $13,418,978 in 2023
11-4 Claim. Please Read...
The claim verbiage for the 11-4 agreement not being implemented is posted below. Each Engineer on a pool or extra board assignment needs to make a claim every day that the 11-4 is not implemented. The process for making these claims is as follows:
Login to cmts
Under the Timekeeping column, select non-service claims
Complete the From Date/Time box by using just the date of the claim being made. E.g. 07/01/24, and then press Select
Highlight the XX Claim Not Found option and press the Process tab at the bottom of the screen
Once the screen refreshes, press Submit Claim
Enter the verbiage provided, as written in the Comments box and press Update
The screen will refresh once again, stating that your claim for that day is now submitted
Press Exit Screen, and you can repeat the process with the next calendar day
NOTE – You do not have to be on duty to submit these claims. You can also submit them on your desktop/laptop at home.
The beginning date for these claims is 07/01/2024. We can submit claims retroactively for up to 60 days, so there is no issue going back to July 1st. We will also need to submit an individual claim for each calendar day initially. This forces Timekeeping to manually open and respond to each claim submitted. They will no doubt create a claim code once they’ve responded to a “few” of these claims thereby automating the denial process. Once they have created a claim code, we can then begin submitting this claim on a per half basis. I will inform everyone once that option is available.
Once Timekeeping denies the claim (typically at the close of each half), we need you to follow up with an R100 form so that the LCA can process the appeal. You will need an R100 form, a copy of the original claim and a copy of your trainslips that show the declination of said claims. This MUST be done for each claim that is submitted. It is imperative that you follow up with the R100 form on these claims quickly as we do not want to lose any appeal based on the 60 day time limits. R100s are available on our website or in the hanging file at the Yard Office. I have also attached one to this email in the link below for you to print.
It is imperative that EVERY Engineer submits and follows up with an R100 on these claims. As always, if there are any questions do not hesitate to call a member of the LCA for assistance.
BLET and Union Pacific reach paid sick leave agreement
BLET and Union Pacific reach paid sick leave agreement
Union Pacific’s locomotive engineers will now have up to seven days paid in the event of illness
OMAHA, June 5 — Union Pacific Railroad reached an agreement with the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) to provide paid sick leave to the approximately 5,600 locomotive engineers employed by the railroad. Under the agreement, BLET members will have up to seven paid days to use in the event of illness. Five days will be considered paid sick days with the ability to convert two additional paid leave days for use as paid sick time. The new agreement is effective Aug. 1.
“This agreement is really about health and safety,” said BLET National President Eddie Hall. “It’s not in our members’, the public’s or the railroad’s best interest for engineers to be operating trains when they’re sick. Congratulations to our BLET General Chairmen and Union Pacific’s management who reached this agreement at the bargaining table.”
"The well-being and quality of life for all employees are critically important to us," said Union Pacific Chairman, President and CEO Lance Fritz. "We want to thank BLET union leadership for their valuable collaboration. This agreement marks another step forward in Union Pacific's ongoing commitment to fostering a supportive work environment that prioritizes the health and well-being of all employees.”
Union Pacific now has sick leave agreements in place with 12 of its 13 labor unions, covering approximately 68% of Union Pacific’s craft employees.
April 22nd Division 28 will be throwing a Spring BBQ
Brothers and Sisters,
CALLING ALL BLET MEMBERS. Clear your calendars and get ready to celebrate Spring! On Saturday, April 22nd Division 28 will be throwing a Spring BBQ and our first Old Timer’s picnic in three years. This event will be held at the Herrera/Quiroz Park located at 600 W St. Mary’s Road, and the festivities begin at 11:00. In addition to all the retired Engineers we can’t wait to catch up with, we will be joined by BLET National President, Eddie Hall. There will be plenty of great drinks, food, and fun for everyone, so please plan on attending with your families. Use the link below to open the attached flyer that you can print and place next to your calendar. Hope to see everyone there!
President Hall honors 40-year members John Tolman and Tom Pontolillo
President Hall honors 40-year members John Tolman and Tom Pontolillo
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, March 27 — In a surprise ceremony today at BLET National Division headquarters, National President Eddie Hall recognized retired members John P. Tolman and Thomas A. Pontolillo Sr. for their contributions to the BLET and its members throughout their careers. Both men were presented with 40-year membership pins and certificates.
Brother Tolman, former BLET Vice President and National Legislative Representative, retired in late 2020. In addition to the pin and certificate, President Hall presented him with an engraved brass bell.
Brother Pontolillo, former Director of Research and Assistant to the National President, retired in late 2021. President Hall presented him with an antique doorknob from the BLET archives. The doorknob dates to 1910 and was used at the union’s former headquarters building, the Engineers Building, which was demolished in 1989.
“Congratulations to these Brothers on their retirement,” President Hall said. “Thank you for your decades of service to the Brotherhood and its members.”
Comprehensive guide now available for BLET members covered under the National Health & Welfare Plan
Comprehensive guide now available for BLET members covered under the National Health & Welfare Plan
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, March 2 — For the first time in recent history, a new comprehensive resource guide outlining benefits under the Railroad National Health & Welfare Plan (GA-23000) is now available.
The brochure is being made available through the work of the Cooperating Rail Labor Organizations (CRLO) and the various health & welfare plan providers. The brochure is a one-stop guide that provides contact information for all the various providers involved with the National Health & Welfare Plan (for example, medical benefits, prescription drug benefits, dental benefits, vision benefits, life insurance and accidental death & dismemberment benefits, Health Flexible Spending Account benefits, etc…). It is the most recent culmination of all such benefit providers being outlined in a single document.
All BLET members covered under the National Health & Welfare Plan should download the PDF and keep a copy for their records. It can be foundhere on the BLET website (PDF) or on the Your Track To Healthwebsite.
BLET President Hall responds to rail safety recommendations proposed today by DOT Buttigieg
BLET President Hall responds to rail safety recommendations proposed today by DOT Buttigieg
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, February 21 — The following statement is from BLET National President Eddie Hall in response to recommendations released today by U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg:
Our members who work in the cabs of the nation’s train engines welcome efforts by the Department of Transportation designed to improve rail safety. In particular, we’re pleased to see the Secretary emphasize the Train Crew Staffing Rule. If the federal government is serious about protecting the public, it should immediately mandate that freight trains be guided by experienced two-person train crews with the eyes and ears needed to properly protect the communities along the rails, both now and into the future.
Rather than properly staffing trains, the Class I railroad CEOs have pushed for a transition from two-person crews to one and to even use remotely-operated trains. This is a mistake. Incidents, like the one we just witnessed in Ohio, would likely have been far worse if there had been only one crewmember present.
Secretary Buttigieg also is correct in saying today that, "Profit and expediency must never outweigh the safety of the American people." However, he didn’t say anything specifically about “PSR”, the operating model adopted by the nation’s largest railroads designed to cut corners and boost profits. I assure you the “S” in PSR is not about safety. Under PSR or Precision Scheduled Railroading, which in itself is an oxymoron, the railroads have cut the workforce by nearly a third over the past six years. They have reduced the number of thorough inspections of rail cars, along with other service cuts. Under the PSR model the largest railroads have lengthened trains to as long as three miles from end to end and intentionally slowed the supply chain.
Railroads largely self-regulate and PSR has led to irresponsible practices at the cost of safety, it needs to be eliminated or reformed.
The Secretary is correct in saying that, “A healthy and well-supported workforce is a safer workforce.” It’s outrageous that 79 percent of the American public employed in the private sector receive paid sick leave benefits but not locomotive engineers and conductors, the essential workers who keep the supply chain operating. Our union’s general chairmen are currently in talks with each major railroad about correcting this safety lapse and injustice.
Rail Labor joins Senators Sanders and Braun to demand paid sick leave
Rail Labor joins Senators Sanders and Braun to demand paid sick leave
Rail Labor representatives joined Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Senator Mike Braun (R-Indiana) at a press conference in Washington D.C. on February 9 to demand that rail companies provide workers with at least seven paid sick days.
Senator Sanders said that Americans are sick and tired of the kind of corporate greed we are seeing in the railroad industry today. Senator Braun said common-sense measures, like paid sick leave, would help the rail industry retain and attract workers.
Vice President & National Legislative Representative Vince Verna represented BLET at the press conference. He said: “Railroad workers deserve better treatment than they are getting from the railroads right now when they get sick, and they need time off when they’re sick. Right now, employees know they better not get sick. If you do, you’ll be subject to harsh attendance policies that do not allow you to take off sick without fear of reprisal… The railroad CEOs would never work under the conditions they require of their employees when making them choose between their jobs and their health… Let’s make sure America’s freight gets moved by workers who are not sick on the job. Let’s get this fixed.”
In addition to Brother Verna, Rail Labor representatives who spoke at the press conference included: SMART-TD President Jeremy Ferguson; BMWED President Tony Cardwell; BRS Vice President Doug VanderJagt; and President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO Greg Regan.
Before the press conference, Senator Sanders sent a letter to the CEOs of six Class I railroads (CP, CN, KCS, BNSF, UP, and NS). He urged them to follow the lead of CSX, which on February 8 agreed to give paid sick leave to members of the BMWED and BRC. Senator Sanders makes several excellent points in his letter, and it is recommended that BLET members read it in its entirety (PDF):
A 12-minute video highlighting presentations by Senator Sanders, Senator Braun, and Vice President Verna is available here:
2023 BLET Scholarship Directory.
2023 BLET Scholarship Directory
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, January 24 — Each year, the BLET National Division compiles a list of scholarship opportunities available to the children of BLET members. Numerous financial aid opportunities are published below in the 2023 BLET Scholarship Directory.
The following comprehensive list provides members and their families with contact information for each scholarship program. The BLET National Division does not maintain its own scholarship program, nor does it oversee or otherwise play any role in the administration of any programs included in this Directory. Interested parties are advised to contact the scholarship providers for additional information.
Those aware of additional scholarship opportunities not included in this Directory are urged to contact the BLET Public Relations Department at: Bentley@ble-t.org.
STB & FRA hearings
Brothers and Sisters,
I have posted some links below for those that may have not been able to watch these proceedings live. There is also a press release link from the UPRR. Thank you.
Ken Walker
STB Oversight Hearing Pertaining to Union Pacific Railroad Company’s Embargoes:
FRA 2 person crew meeting:
Union Pacific details plans to test feasibility of ground-based conductors:
The vacation bid process is now available
Brothers and Sisters,
The vacation bid process is now available. All bids must be submitted by December 1, 2022. There are currently 96 Engineers that have not submitted their bids. We are requesting that the “99” function not be used for Engineer bids. If you want single day weeks, you must designate them in your bid. The Vacation Committee will be available to assist anyone that may have trouble, and the relevant phone numbers are below. Thank you for your time and attention in this matter.
Split Decision: Unions for Railroad Engineers and Conductors Take Different Routes in Freight Rail Contract Ratification Vote
Split Decision: Unions for Railroad Engineers and Conductors Take Different Routes in Freight Rail Contract Ratification Vote
Members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen vote to ratify national rail agreement with the nation’s Class I railroads; operating craft (Train & Engine service) members of the Transportation Division of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers have voted to reject it, while non-operating craft members (Yardmasters) have voted to ratify their national agreement.
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio — Voting concluded midnight Sunday for members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen as well as the Transportation Division of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers on proposed new five-year collective bargaining agreements with the nation’s Class I railroads. BLET members voted to accept a tentative agreement reached on September 15; SMART-TD train and engine service members have voted to reject their proposed contract, while SMART-TD yardmaster members voted to accept. BLET and SMART-TD are the two largest rail unions, accounting for half of the unionized workforce on the nation’s largest freight railroads.
The five-year agreement ratified by BLET members and SMART TD yardmaster members addresses rates of pay, health & welfare, and other fringe benefits for approximately 24,000 locomotive engineers and other rail workers represented by the union who are employed by the nation’s Class I railroads.
A record number of eligible BLET members participated in the ratification vote with 53.5% voting in favor and 46.5% voting against.
Turnout among the more than 28,000 eligible SMART-TD members was also a record high. 50.87% of train and engine service members represented by SMART-TD voted to reject the TA, while 62.48% of SMART-TD represented Yardmasters voted to ratify. Representatives from SMART-TD will now head back to the bargaining table with the National Carriers Conference Committee (NCCC), which represents railroad management, to negotiate new terms for the affected train and engine service members.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen represents nearly 57,000 professional locomotive engineers and trainmen throughout the United States. The BLET is the founding member of the Rail Conference, International Brotherhood of Teamsters. More information can be found on the BLET website: https://ble-t.org
The SMART Transportation Division is comprised of approximately 125,000 active and retired members of the former United Transportation Union, who work in a variety of crafts in the transportation industry. Find out more at the SMART-TD site: https://smart-union.org .
BLET, SMART TD Town Hall yields facts about tentative agreement
Brothers and Sisters,
Please see the email from the National below. It is a long video, but it does address a lot of questions that some members may still be seeking answers to. Thank you.
BLET, SMART TD Town Hall yields facts about tentative agreement
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, November 11 — At a November 9 Town Hall meeting, SMART Transportation Division President Jeremy Ferguson and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen President Dennis Pierce discussed the tentative National Rail Agreement with dozens of members from both unions. A video recording of the Town Hall (approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes) is available on the BLET (https://youtu.be/BtdZj_HRU0k) and SMART TD (https://smart-union.org ) websites.
Contract Ratification Ballots due November 20 in tentative national agreement
Reminder: Contract Ratification Ballots due November 20 in tentative national agreement
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, November 4 — On October 31, 2022, contract ratification ballots, instructions, and a synopsis of the agreement were mailed to approximately 24,000 members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen for voting on the tentative national agreement. Voting will conclude on Sunday, November 20, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Eligible members who have not received a contract ratification ballot by Wednesday, November 9, should request a replacement by calling the BLET National Division at (216) 241-2630, ext. 222. When connected with the extension, please leave the following information:
Daylight Saving Time
Brothers and Sisters,
Just a friendly reminder that Daylight Saving Time (DST), ends at 02:00 Sunday morning (11/06/2022). Remember to set your railroad clocks back one hour. Thank you.
BLET National Election of Officers have been mailed
Brothers and Sisters,
Ballots for the BLET National Election of Officers have been mailed. DO NOT simply discard them as there are two people running for the position of National President. Please follow the instructions included with the ballot and be sure to mail them in time. Thank you.
BLET members to begin voting November 1 on tentative national agreement
BLET members to begin voting November 1 on tentative national agreement
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, October 28 — Ballots will be mailed Monday, October 31, to approximately 24,000 BLET members and voting will begin on November 1 regarding the tentative national agreement. Ballots are due on November 20 by 11:59 p.m. ET. A copy of the tentative national agreement and a list of Questions and Answers (Q&As) are now available in the Members’ Area of the BLET website.
As background, the current round of national negotiations began in 2019. After nearly three years of bargaining, the dispute has worked its way through nearly all phases of the Railway Labor Act. The negotiations reached an impasse and the parties were released from mediation by the National Mediation Board (NMB) on June 17. Labor and management then made their case before Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) 250, and PEB 250 issued its recommendations on August 16. On September 15, 2022, the BLET and SMART-TD reached a tentative agreement that improved upon the PEB’s recommendations.
Following the September 15 tentative agreement, the BLET began a 15-day Q&A session with all BLET General Chairmen and Local Chairmen, in which General Chairmen could reply to the National President’s office with questions or requests for clarifications regarding the tentative agreement. Those questions were consolidated into a single document, and the BLET’s National Wage Team, alongside SMART-TD, returned to the bargaining table with the railroads to mutually agree on the answers to those questions. The Q&As were finalized on October 24 and are now available in the Members’ Area of the BLET website.
“The additional clarification gained from the Q&A process will provide more information for the membership as to the terms and conditions of the tentative agreement before they cast their vote,” BLET National President Dennis Pierce said. “The process also provides our General Committees with clearer and stronger agreement language should later disputes arise.”
To download the tentative agreement and Q&A, please go to the BLET website and click on the “Members” link at the top: https://members.ble-t.org/.
A password is required to log in. Members may have to complete a brief registration process in order to establish an account.
Additional information regarding the current round of national contract negotiations is available in the public area of the BLET website:
Delegates donate to help family of fallen Brother Marvin Lee
Delegates donate to help family of fallen Brother Marvin Lee
BLET delegates showed their generosity at the Fifth National Convention on October 13, donating money to help the family of a fallen Brother.
BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce announced earlier in the week that Marvin Lee, Local Chairman of Division 75 in Kansas City, Mo., unexpectedly passed away in his sleep on the morning of October 9. He was just 49 years old. Brother Lee was a highly-respected union officer who leaves behind his wife, two children, and one grandchild.
Brother Bill D. Burchett, the delegate representing BLET Division 391 (Fort Madison, Iowa), rose to speak on behalf of Brother Lee’s family. The delegates showed their generosity by donating several thousand dollars to help the Lee family during their difficult time. Brother C.C. Fuller II, the delegate representing BLET Division 75 (Kansas City, Mo.), also rose to speak to the integrity of Brother Lee’s character and his devotion to his family, noting that he will also be greatly missed by his railroad family.
Those wishing to donate to the Lee family may do so by contacting BLET Division 75 Legislative Representative Jeff Rechtermann. Brother Rechtermann is accepting donations for the family through the Venmo app, and a QR code is provided below. One-hundred percent of all donations will be given to the Lee family.
The delegates also observed a moment of silence in memory of Brother Lee. President Pierce thanked the delegates for their generosity.
In an additional act of kindness, the BLET donated more than 250 boxed lunches to the Las Vegas Rescue Mission to help feed the homeless.
Railroad strike negotiations held up by battle over sick time policies
Railroad strike negotiations held up by battle over sick time policies
By Lori Ann LaRocco
September 13, 2022
The top labor negotiator in talks to avert a railroad strike accused BNSF and Union Pacific of holding up progress.
Specifically, Dennis Pierce, president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, or BLET, said the companies rejected the union’s proposal for sick time policies.
“The primary resistance comes from Union Pacific and BNSF because of the attendance policies they have adopted which have treated workers so poorly,” Pierce told CNBC. “We’re just looking for time away from work to address our medical issues. Union Pacific and BNSF attendance policies are assessing (penalty) points to our members when they just want to take time off for their regular medical appointments.”
Attendance policies have been a point of contention for unions for years. The White House’s Presidential Emergency Board, or PEB, recommended any attendance policy disputes are best resolved in the grievance and arbitration process.
BNSF, which is owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, flatly rejected Pierce’s claim, calling it “categorically false.”
“Rail employees are provided with significant time off. Generally, train crew employees have over three to four weeks of paid vacation and over 10 personal leave days. Depending on craft and seniority, these numbers can extend to five weeks of vacation in addition to 14 paid holidays and/or paid leave days,” BNSF told CNBC. “The number of Personal Leave Days was increased by 25% this year which makes it easier for employees to take time off.”
Union Pacific, meanwhile, said it “continues to push for a prompt resolution that provides historic wage increases to employees and allows the railroads to prevent further disruption to the struggling supply chain.”
Pierce said the unions withdrew their proposal for paid sick leave and substituted their request for unpaid sick time. PEB recommendations suggested the unions withdraw their paid sick leave proposal based on the existing paid time off benefits given to employees.
Union negotiators offered the rail carriers a one-page, single-sided proposal to spare employees disciplinary points if they schedule routine medical visits in advance for days they would otherwise have to work, according to Pierce.
“You have to understand these workers are not on scheduled days. They have no scheduled days off. They work whenever they get called,” he said. “We are just asking for our workers to be able to go get their medical appointment done and not have to be at work that day.”
The Association of American Railroads, in turn, provided CNBC with its employee time off policy sheet.
“Ongoing negotiations are being collectively handled on a national, multi-employer basis,” a spokesman for the group said.
No backing down
Pierce praised some items in the PEB’s recommendations, but said it didn’t come through on quality of life issues.
“Life isn’t planned medical events aren’t planned. People need to be allowed to enjoy the fruits of their labor instead of just having to be at work every day,” he said. “So I think the key issue is this and there’s no way we can back away from it.”
Pierce said he has been in touch with members of President Joe Biden’s Cabinet. He told CNBC the unions do not intend to blink on the sick time argument.
“Strikes are a last resort. It does not help anyone because the employees lose money, and the companies lose money,” he said. “We’re not here to hurt the economy.”
Ripple effects from the labor strife are affecting other parts of the infrastructure. Starting Tuesday, Amtrak canceled some of its longer-distance rail services in anticipation of a service disruption.
Routes between Chicago and the West Coast along Amtrak’s Southwest Chief, California Zephyr, and Empire Builder are canceled. Portions of Amtrak’s Texas Eagle route between Los Angeles and San Antonio are also suspended. Amtrak is calling the cancelations a “phased adjustment” warning the disruptions could “significantly impact intercity rail service.”
Nation’s largest railroads today to further abuse shippers
Move announced by the nation’s largest railroads today to further abuse shippers and gridlock the supply chain in order to extort a contract settlement from rail unions
Late on Friday, September 9, the nation’s largest railroads began warning major shippers that they are declaring an embargo on certain types of new shipments five days in advance of the end of the federally mandated cooling-off period at 12:00 AM EDT September 16. They further advised that all rail shippers could be blocked from making any rail shipments well in advance of next Friday’s deadline for a lockout or strike. This completely unnecessary attack on rail shippers by these highly profitable Class I railroads is no more than corporate extortion. Our Unions remain at the bargaining table and have given the rail carriers a proposal that we would be willing to submit to our members for ratification, but it is the rail carriers that refuse to reach an acceptable agreement. In fact, it was abundantly clear from our negotiations over the past few days that the railroads show no intentions of reaching an agreement with our Unions, but they cannot legally lock out our members until the end of the cooling-off period. Instead, they are locking out their customers beginning on Monday and further harming the supply chain in an effort to provoke congressional action.
The railroads are using shippers, consumers, and the supply chain of our nation as pawns in an effort to get our Unions to cave into their contract demands knowing that our members would never accept them. Our Unions will not cave into these scare tactics, and Congress must not cave into what can only be described as corporate terrorism.
Rather than gridlock the supply chain by denying shipments and potentially locking our members out next Friday, the railroads should work towards a fair settlement that our members, their employees, would ratify. For that to happen, we must make improvements to the working conditions that have been on the bargaining table since negotiations began. Penalizing engineers and conductors for getting sick or going to a doctor’s visit with termination must be stopped as part of this contract settlement. Let us repeat that, our members are being terminated for getting sick or for attending routine medical visits as we crawl our way out of worldwide pandemic.
No working-class American should be treated with this level of harassment in the workplace for simply becoming ill or going to a routine medical visit. Sadly, the Presidential Emergency Board recommendation got it wrong on this issue. As we have said from the day that they were implemented, these policies are destroying the lives of our members, who are the backbone of the railroad industry.
These employment policies have forced thousands of employees out of the industry and make it all but impossible to recruit new workers. With understaffed operations, these railroads abuse their best customers by refusing to provide deliveries consistent with their legal obligations. These self-appointed titans of industry complain constantly about government regulation and interference -- except now when it comes to breaking the backs of their employees. It’s time for the federal government to tell the CEO’s who are running the nation’s railroads into the ground that enough is enough. Congress should stay out of the rail dispute and tell the railroads to do what other business leaders do -- sit down and bargain a contract that your employees will accept.
PEB 250 recommendations have been released
Brothers and Sisters,
I have attached the recommendations put forth by PEB 250 from earlier today in its entirety. Please use the link below to access. I will update everyone when I get more information from the National. Thank you.
To View Click Here
AFL-CIO endorsements for the 2022
The Arizona AFL-CIO is proud to announce the following endorsements for the 2022 Primary and General elections in Arizona.
Jevin Hodge
Congress, District 1
Tom O'Halleran
Congress, District 2
Ruben Gallego
Congress, District 3
Greg Stanton
Congress, District 4
Kirsten Engel
Congress, District 6
Raul Grijalva
Congress, District 7
Katie Hobbs
Adrian Fontes
Secretary of State
Kris Mayes
Attorney General
Kathy Hoffman
Sandra Kennedy
Corporation Commission
Lauren Kuby
Corporation Commission
Cathy Ransom
State House, District 1
Neil Sinclair
State House, District 1
Mike Fogel
State Senate, District 1
Jeanne Casteen
State Senate, District 2
Judy Schweibert
State House, District 2
Laura Terech
State House, District 4
Christine Marsh
State Senate, District 4
Jennifer Longdon
State House, District 5
Sarah Liguori
State House, District 5
Lela Alston
State Senate, District 5
Athena Salman
State House, District 8
Melody Hernandez
State House, District 8
Juan Mendez
State Senate, District 8
Lorena Austin
State House, District 9
Seth Blattman
State House, District 9
Marcelino Quinonez
State House, District 11
Oscar de los Santos
State House, District 11
Junelle Cavero
State Senate, District 11
AJ Kurdoglu
State House, District 12
Paul Weich
State House, District 12
Mitzi Epstein
State Senate, District 12
Michael Morris
State Senate, District 13
Jennifer Pawlik
State House, District 13
Keith Seaman
State House, District 16
Taylor Kerby
State Senate, District 16
Brian Radford
State House, District 17
Nancy Gutierrez
State House, District 18
Priya Sundareshan
State Senate, District 18
Andres Cano
State House, District 20
Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton
State House, District 21
Consuelo Hernandez
State House, District 21
Rosanna Gabaldon
State Senate, District 21
Lorenzo Sierra
State House, District 22
Natacha Chavez
State House, District 22
Richard Andrade
State Senate, District 22
Christian Solorio
State House, District 26
Flavio BravoState House, District 26
Raquel Teran
State Senate, District 26
Please join us in supporting these pro-labor candidates when it comes time to vote.
In solidarity,
Fred Yamashita
Executive Director
Arizona AFL-CIO
President Biden appoints PEB to investigate national rail contract dispute
President Biden appoints PEB to investigate national rail contract dispute
The United Rail Unions issue the following statement July 15, 2022:
The Rail Unions who are bargaining as part of the Coordinated Bargaining Coalition and the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way/SMART Mechanical Coalition attended the Public Interest Hearings hosted by the members of the National Mediation Board on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 and we thank the National Mediation Board for their efforts to help the parties reach a voluntary agreement. Unfortunately, the Nation’s rail carriers continue to refuse to negotiate an agreement that our members would accept.
As a result, and as was expected, President Biden announced today that he is appointing a Presidential Emergency Board before the expiration of the cooling off period at 12:00 AM on Monday, July 18, 2022. The Presidential Emergency Board will have thirty days to convene, hear the positions of the Unions and rail carriers, and issue recommendations for settlement of the dispute. A second thirty-day cooling off period will begin when those recommendations are issued.
The Rail Unions remain united in their efforts, and are now working together in preparation of a unified case representing the best interests of all rail employees before the Presidential Emergency Board. Our unified case will clearly show that the Unions’ proposals are supported by current economic data and are more than warranted when compared to our memberships’ contribution to the record profits of the rail carriers.
Additional information will be provided as developments warrant. We appreciate your continuing support.
United Rail Unions statement on proffer of arbitration, June 15, 2022
United Rail Unions statement on proffer of arbitration, June 15, 2022
The United Rail Unions issued the following statement on June 15, 2022:
Following the conclusion of our third week of compulsory mediation conducted by the National Mediation Board (NMB), the Rail Unions who are bargaining as part of the Coordinated Bargaining Coalition and the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way/SMART Mechanical Coalition pursuant to Section 5 First of the Railway Labor Act, received a proffer of arbitration from the NMB.
As previously stated, all of the Carriers’ proposals to date serve as an insult to our collective membership. These essential employees carried the railroads to their record profits throughout the last several years. As much as the Rail Unions would have preferred to reach a voluntary settlement, this has become the only viable path to reaching a satisfactory conclusion. The Chiefs of all 12 Rail Unions wish to thank the NMB Members and the assigned Mediators for their efforts in trying to bring us to a voluntary agreement, and for their recognition that such an agreement was not possible under the current circumstances.
With regard to the proffer of arbitration, the NMB urged the parties to enter into an agreement to resolve the dispute via binding arbitration in accordance with Section 8 of the Railway Labor Act. If either party rejects the NMB’s proffer, or fails to respond prior to the deadline of 5:00 p.m. (EDT) on June 16, 2022, the parties will enter a 30-day “cooling off” period where the status quo is maintained. While each Rail Union has its own process for considering whether or not to accept the NMB’s proffer, it is anticipated that we will unanimously reject it in the coming days.
At any point during the aforementioned 30-day cooling off period, President Biden may appoint a Presidential Emergency Board (PEB), which typically consists of three to five members. The PEB will conduct a hearing and issue a recommendation regarding settlement of the dispute. The issuance of the PEB recommendation starts another 30-day cooling off period.
During this second cooling-off period, the parties may choose to accept or reject the PEB’s recommendation. If either party rejects the PEB’s recommendation, or if the cooling off period expires and the dispute has not been resolved, either party may engage in self-help.
If this happens, it is expected that Congress will intervene and end self-help by passing legislation to resolve the dispute. To address this possibility, we have already mobilized our Legislative departments to get the message to our elected representatives. In addition to these efforts, we are urging our members to begin reaching out to their U.S. Senators and House Representatives to voice their support for a labor-friendly PEB, and if necessary, labor-friendly legislation to bring this round of bargaining to a successful conclusion. The time to make our collective voices heard is now!
United Rail Unions statement on national bargaining, June 2, 2022
United Rail Unions statement on national bargaining, June 2, 2022
The united Rail Unions issued the following statement June 2, 2022:
The Rail Unions who are bargaining as part of the Coordinated Bargaining Coalition and the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way/SMART Mechanical Coalition concluded their second week of compulsory joint National Mediation Board-mediated negotiations with the National Carriers’ Conference Committee (NCCC) yesterday.
These joint mediated negotiations, under the direction of the NMB Board Members themselves, resulted from the Unions’ request to be released from mediation after more than two years of bargaining with the major U.S. Class I railroads.
In spite of the Unions’ best efforts to negotiate a fair agreement, the NCCC and the rail carriers that it represents still refuse to make a comprehensive settlement proposal that our members would even remotely entertain. In fact, the carriers continue to advance proposals that insult the hard-working Union members who have carried our Nation through the pandemic.
Although all of the involved Unions would prefer to reach a voluntary agreement, it has become quite clear at this point that the rail carriers will not bargain in good faith to that end. For that reason, all of the involved Rail Unions are again requesting that the NMB put forth a proffer of arbitration to move our contract dispute through the remaining steps of the Railway Labor Act.